Let’s Eat, Drink, and Raise Money for the Friends of Concord PD K9 Program at UNO Pizzeria & Grill!
Dine-In for lunch or dinner and know that you’ll be enjoying a meal with lots of people who support our community. Bring your friends. Bring your friend’s friends. Invite your family. Invite all of Facebook, or Instagram, or Twitter.
If you think you might forget, print out these coupons and tape them everywhere. You’ll be glad you did and your friends will thank you, too.
We’ll have Liberty Merchandise for sale – We can’t wait to show you!
Can’t join us at the restaurant? You can order Take Out – when placing your order, simply mention that your order is supporting the Friends of Concord PD K9 Program.
The Friends of Concord PD K9 Program appreciate your support and the support of our great friends at UNO Pizzeria & Grill!