Tag Archives for " Hannaford "

Support Friends of Concord Police K-9 Program by Purchasing a Reusable Community Bag at Hannaford

Looking for a way to support the local community in this uncertain time? Local non-profits are in need of donations to provide others with support. You can give back to Friends of Concord Police K-9 Program by picking up a $2.50 reusable Community Bag at the Hannaford located at 73 Fort Eddy Road, Concord NH in March. The Friends of Concord Police K-9 Program will receive a $1 donation for every bag sold this month.

Search for “Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag” if you use the Hannaford To Go service.

Happening this Month – Purchase a Reusable Community Bag at Hannaford

In this time of uncertainty due to COVID-19, supporting local non-profits has never been more important. As you make essential trips to the grocery store, you can purchase a $2.50 reusable Community Bag at the Hannaford located at 73 Fort Eddy Road, Concord, NH in March to send Friends of Concord Police K-9 Program a $1 donation.

If you use Hannaford To Go, you can search for “Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag” to find these very special bags.

Hannaford Reusable Bag Program Supports Friends of Concord Police K9 Program Throughout March 2021

Supporting local non-profits has never been more important than it is right now! Give back to your local community by purchasing a $2.50 reusable Community Bag at the Hannaford located at 73 Fort Eddy Road in March.

The Friends of Concord Police K9 Program will receive a $1 donation for every reusable bag sold.

If you do pick one up, be sure to practice standard safety protocols. Just like you need to wash your hands regularly, always wash your reusable bags before and after use. If possible, bag your own groceries at check out when using a reusable bag. Thank you in advance for your support!

Search for “Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag” if you use the Hannaford To Go service.